Sound Maze
Sound Maze is a new experiential sound installation where people of all ages are invited to experiment with and play wonderful musical instruments invented by Paul Dresher, Daniel Schmidt, and Alex Vittum.
As they explore this engaging installation, audiences young and old can try out its amazing musical inventions and discover new ways of creating sound. Sound Maze unleashes the musical creativity in all of us, rewarding the curious but musically inexperienced as well as people having a lifetime of engagement with sound and music. This installation invites audiences to listen, explore, play and discover sound anew.
Audiences of all abilities are welcome at Sound Maze, including people with disabilities, and adults and children on the Autism spectrum. This is a creative adventure and musical outing for everyone.

Audience Hands-On Exploration, Hong Kong, PRC
Sound Maze premiered in San Francisco in April 2015 at Fort Mason Center’s historic Firehouse Building, where it was open daily for a full month. The following August, it toured to toured to OZ Arts, in Nashville, Tennessee.

Sound Maze at OZ Arts, Nashville, TN
This season Sound Maze will be installed for a full week at the USC Fisher Museum in Los Angeles (March 1-8, 2017) followed by a tour to the Mondavi Center for the Arts, at UC Davis in early April. In both facilities, Sound Maze will be open to the general public on weekends and on weekdays, be reserved for school groups and members of the local autism community.