New Performance Traditions – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement
New Performance Traditions provides a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace – one where all artists, employees, board, and volunteers, whatever their gender, race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation or identity, religion, socioeconomic or immigration status, education, or disability, feel valued, heard and respected. We are committed to a non-discriminatory approach to provide equal opportunity in employment and for all the artists and audiences we serve with our programs and performances.
As a means to achieve the above goals, New Performance Traditions strives to:
- Recognize diversity, equity, and inclusion as deeply connected to our mission and critical to ensuring the well-being of artists, our staff, audiences, and the arts communities we serve;
- Understand, acknowledge and fully address any inequities within our policies, governance, programs, and services, and continually evaluate organizational progress;
- Commit time and resources to expand the organization’s diversity in leadership within our board, advisory committee, staff, and awards panelists;
- We expect our employees and board to embrace these values and to express them in workplace interactions and through everyday practices.
New Performance Traditions commits to the following actions to help promote diversity and inclusion in our organization:
- Pursue cultural competency throughout our organization by creating substantive learning opportunities for staff and board to genuinely engage diverse perspectives on achieving our mission;
- Generate and analyze data related to equity to make measurable progress toward the realization of our DEI efforts;
- Improve our cultural leadership by creating and promoting programs and policies that foster opportunities for artists and audiences that are reflective of the diversity of our community;
- Work with peer organizations committed to DEI efforts to expand offerings for underrepresented artists.
Develop systems to be more intentional and conscious of bias in all actions relating to hiring and the curation of opportunities provided by our program.